
~The Fairest Chalkboard of Them All~

I love floor length mirrors. Perhaps my obsession with Versailles has something to do with it. Seriously, is there anything more beautiful than the Hall of Mirrors? I also love a great find. Unfortunately floor length mirrors and a good find rarely go hand in hand. But then, suddenly, I was lucky enough to come across not one, but two of these matches made in heaven! Now, do I need TWO floor length mirrors? No, not really, but they are such a rare occurrence and I could not pass them up lest the thrifty gods grow angry ;)

I have also always been hopeful that I would one day come across a large easel to beautifully display a large chalkboard, you know just in case I have something important to announce to the world in chalkboard fashion. Well when I brought these two mirrors home and began pondering about how to explain to my dear husband that they were both validly NEEDED what to do with them this bright idea popped into my head...turn one of them into a free standing floor length chalkboard. Problem solved!

I excitedly got started ASAP (which is the only speed I know). I removed the mirror portion and set out to upcycle this fabulous mirror. I was so dang excited to get started that I didn't even stop to take a before pic. It was just your standard oak floor length mirror from the 80's. It didn't require any structural work so it was a relatively easy enough task to upcycle it into my dreamy vision.

The mirror had a nice plywood back that I simply primed and sprayed with chalkboard paint. I just LOVE chalkboard spray paint. You would be amazed at what that little can can improve. All that was left to do was layered on Miss Mustard Seed's beloved milk paint and sealed it all up with wax. I used three layers of her paint: Artissimo as the base layer, Dried Lavender for the middle layer, and Linen on top. I have a huge issue differentiating between some blues and purples (I still swear the Vikings are wearing blue, so my purple pride is a bit confused) so this to me looks a bit like a pale, pale blue. I am attributing this to the fact that I didn't wait long between the layers and that Artissimo has a lovely bluish hue to begin with. Either way I simply am in love with the final color all the layering surprised me with!

I cannot wait to use it for my kiddos birthdays, daily inspirations, holiday quotes, tic-tac-toe, Pictionary, hangman, you name it!

My only problem is what to do with the leftover mirror portion. So far it is keeping my treadmill company and that situation is seriously just asking for a disaster to occur. I am terrified of breaking it into pieces to fit it in the trash bin for fear of those 7 long years of bad luck...any suggestions??


  1. Love your website! New fan! Cindi @ Repertoire Art & Design

  2. Hello Pam! It's me, q is for quandie a.k.a. Linda from MMS training. It is so funny to see this as the first post of yours that I read because just this morning I was thinking about the 80's standing oak mirror frame that is out in my barn and how I want to turn it into a chalkboard before Junk Bonanza. How totally wierd is that? Seriously, freaky coincidence! Anyway, really enjoyed sharing a table with you at training! Am about to see what else I can find on your blog. Take care ...

  3. The dress is even more beautiful in person! It is a bit big as expected but my seamstress said no problem on taking it in to fit me exact and she couldn't believe the price either.

  4. I have this same mirror and may need to steal this idea! How fun!

  5. There are many types of chalkboards available in the market. The material that is used to build the board dictates the price. There are different types of chalkboards including magnetic and reversible chalkboards that can be used on either side and are mounted on an easel.
