
~The Beginning~

My very first *project*

I always root for the underdog. I believe you should never judge a book by it's cover. I am not fooled by appearances. There is always a diamond in the rough. 

Every.Single.Thing.Holds.Possibility. I believe that things are what you make of them. I believe in working with what you have. I believe a little elbow grease goes a long way. I believe in holding onto the past and keeping memories alive. I believe in restoring beauty to things long forgotten. I believe that one man's trash is another man's treasure. I believe you don't need a lot of money to live a rich life. And I believe why pay for something you can do yourself?

I have been reusing, repurposing, and rescuing things as long as I can remember. Early on it came out of necessity. Soon it became a way of life. Now I am a bonafide bargain huntress! I search for cast away treasures to make beautiful again. I'm a sucker for a good project. The more work needed the more excited I get! Nothing makes me happier than to have these once left behind pieces find a new life in new homes!

I am often asked how I got started. That is a long story because what I do is such a natural progression of who I am. We didn't have a lot of money growing up so we had to figure out how to make the best of what we had. I also love to create, I love a good challenge, and I love working with my hands. To make something from what others consider nothing was a challenge I could dig my teeth into! 

When I was pregnant with my oldest I had dreams of a magical nursery without all the magical money to fund it ;) The dresser above is the very FIRST piece I ever purchased to redo. I paid all of $5 for it at a garage sale. That was all it took, I was hooked. That piece may not be my best work, the doors stick, the knobs are off center, the distressing looks forced and unnatural, there are huge chunks missing from the trim, and for some reason I tried to mud the entire front of all the drawers. They are a bumpy sight to see! But it is my most loved piece of furniture, because it tells my story. The story of how proud I was of that piece. The story of how proud I still am of that piece. The story of facing a challenge without any blogs for help. The story of becoming a family. The story of my shortcomings and the story of all the things I have learned along the way. The story of big dreams for a rundown piece. I wouldn't change a single thing about the piece because I don't want to change a single thing that brought me where I am today. That piece has my sweat and love brushed into every inch and I wouldn't change that for the world.



  1. You have come a long way, Pam! So glad you are blogging about it to share!!!

  2. Pam, that first paragraph says it all. You're my kind of gal. So happy to see you succeed!

  3. I am so excited to be able to follow your blog from the begining. I have seen your work in person and it is beautiful. Good Luck to you!

  4. I am beyond happy for you - I am absolutely proud of you. You are an amazing woman and this is a fantastic start! Love you!

  5. I don't think you'll regret ordering from the designer. For me, it was a very smart decision and I am so happy that I did it. Weddings are expensive enough!

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